Wednesday, 15 July 2015
For you to even read this, the Lord has started something very amazing in your life. I can’t fully explain everything in this one post, so you will have to follow our updates to get the full pack (1-3). I’m just excited to share this with you. I want you to open your hearts to receive these amazing truths that are being revealed through The Word of God.
Many of us don’t know the difference between a sinner and a born-again believer who sinned. You are not a sinner because you do wrong things. No! That doesn’t make you a sinner. Sin is a nature, not an act. The act is just a product of the nature. Make sure you get this. You and I were sinners not because of what we did. Romans 5:19 says “Just as through the disobedience of one man, the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of one man, many will be made righteous.” Because of Adam’s decision, his seed were made sinners. It has nothing to do with whether you are moral or not. But Glory to God, the same verse says by one man’s obedience, many will be made righteous. When you were born, you were born into sin (psalm 51:5). It’s your nature. Once you receive Christ, you are a not the same person. You didn’t change, a new person that has never been in existence manifested, this is to tell you that you are not who you see in the physical mirror. You are a spirit. Your spirit controls your mind and your mind is in charge of your body (proverbs 23:7; for as a man thinks in his heart so is he), good! Let’s go on. When you are born in Christ, you cannot have the nature of sin, it’s not possible. Look! ‘IN CHRIST’. There is no sin in Christ. This is amazing. Once you’re born in God you have ZOE (LIFE)! Whenever I think of this, I get emotional. What kind of love is this that the Father has showed us that we may be called THE SONS OF GOD?
You now have ANOTHER NATURE and that is the nature of righteousness. Paul addressed this in Romans 8:1(Now, there is no condemnation for they that are in Christ).it says there is no condemnation NOW! Not in heaven, now! To those who ae in Christ Jesus. For God to condemn you, He must condemn Jesus because you are in Him. God Never condemns you once you are in Christ. Does that mean you are free to sin? No! If you think like that, it is tangible evidence that you are not born again. Paul said there is no condemnation to them who are in Christ, who walk not after the flesh but walk after the spirit.
I wouldn’t tell you to roar like a lion or bark like a dog, why? Because it is not your nature, rather I’d tell you to talk, walk, think or sing because you can. God can never tell you to walk in righteousness if you are a sinner. He tells you to walk in righteousness because you are righteous. So if you are born again, trust me, you do not feel comfortable with sin because it is not who you are, it isn’t your nature. That is why you cry when you do wrong. Sinners don’t feel they have done anything wrong. I am not saying you should cry. In fact, I am saying you should stop crying. God had already forgiven you before you committed that sin. That is why in Hebrews 4:16, He said we should RECEIVE our forgiveness not BEG for it! So now our confession should be, “Father, I acknowledge what I just did is wrong and is not a part of me. I’m sorry and I receive my forgiveness in The name of Jesus.” Glory b to God. We are not slaves of sin! We re righteous. And as we get enlightened, we will see how to walk in the light of this revelation and kill the mentality of sin having dominion over us.
Monday, 15 June 2015
Saturday, 6 June 2015
I watched porn for three years. In my case, I saw pornography as a way of getting away from all the hassles I was facing in my life. It got so bad that I had to dig deep into pornography to get any pleasure from it. In those three years of immorality, I was able to establish myself as a sex-craving fool in school, I lusted after every girl that passed by me, I almost even turned gay. I started seeing women including my sisters as tools for pleasure and if not for God, I would have done something I would have regretted for the entirety of my life. Because you see that is what porn does, it makes you see things that would be otherwise be extremely disgusting as deeds done for the purpose of pleasure. I suffered in search of happiness from porn for three years but all I got was guilt and extreme lust.
Lecrae, the rapper conveyed the effect of sins like pornography when he said “I know it’s going to kill me but I just can’t let it go and the taste of the feeling has got a grip upon my soul, these honey-dipped lies mesmerized me, pride has got its crooked fingers twisting all inside me.” This is a perfect description of pornography it starts out as a source for happiness until one day, you see the degradation it has brought to your soul, you start fighting for your freedom but you see that the devil has finally closed the cell door and only a miracle can get you out of there, you become an addict. Watching pornography; not because you love it but because you just have to. But this is where you see God’s love at work most that even while you are there wallowing in pornography, He is not looking at the man you are(in pornography) but He is looking at the man His love is going to make you, the happy, successful, changed man. He isn’t looking at your sin to condemn you but He is looking at His son to save you. All He needs is for you to sincerely seek Him, reach out your hand to Him and He will take it and pull you out of that fiery furnace. Some people are still in pornography because they are too proud or scared of the shame of their condition, but here is another offer from God; there is no condemnation for they that are in the Lord. When the Lord Almighty justifies you, no one can condemn you.
Pornography used to be my ugly story but now, that story is building the faith of people everywhere. This can be the same for you too. If you are into an addiction of any sort and you are seeking a way out, God is giving you an offer of an awesome life on earth and a much more awesome life afterwards. Just pray with your whole heart to your heavenly Father and He will come and save you. Pray!
For my fellow brothers who are already saved from pornography, do not think the battle is over. Flee from all appearances of evil. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Run away from anything that looks like or talks about fornication like it is the right thing to do. any movie that makes sex look too important, no matter how interesting it may seem, is just a tool the devil uses to plunge freed slaves like us back into captivity. Stay away from them and pray earnestly for the Grace of God to help you win this war. God help us all.
Monday, 1 June 2015
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
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