...transforming ugly stories into faith-building testimonies
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Monday, 15 June 2015

On 06:09 by Eberejustin in , ,    No comments

Self-pity not only slows one down. It is destructive too! The devil uses it many times. The devil is a loser. A big one. He knows he can do nothing about it so he tries to make you ignorant of the winner you are and the loser he is. Self-pity is one of those fiery darts of the devil. Refuse to be trapped in self-pity. Self-pity is not simple. It’s complicated to the core!! Highly complicated! It can twist your life and get you entangled to the point you give up. He uses this mostly on leaders. You may find yourself in a very depressing situation; or you may make a silly mistake. Okay, imagine, if Pastor Benny Hinn’s daughter was deaf and dumb or if Pastor Chris’ son was blind.  You know what that looks like. These men have been used to liberate millions of oppressed folks. They could choose to die in self-pity saying stuff like “God, you called me and this is what I get for obeying you, I can’t do this anymore!” Or, they could choose to stick to the word. And trust me, if you stick to the word you will come back with a testimony.
Self-pity makes you think God has not forgiven you and can never forgive you. Snap out of it! He died for your sins, right? When He died, were you born? Think about it, He died for the sins you were to commit. Your future sins were nailed to the cross. Glory to God. We are the light of the world; we can’t illuminate the world when we still find comfort in the boulevards of self-defeatism.
You may be going through an ugly situation now. You can easily go about lamenting about the better life you are supposed to have and feeling sorry for yourself. Or, you can stick to The Word. See, self-pity will only leave you depressed and hopeless while The Word will not only make you happy but will ultimately bring a solution to your problem.


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