...transforming ugly stories into faith-building testimonies
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Monday, 1 June 2015

On 15:14 by Eberejustin in , ,    No comments
At a point in my walk with God, I was totally confused on what this subject was all about. Totally confused! I just knew that my heart was not programmed for hate! Ha-ha. I hated hate but when a true test of love showed up many times I failed. I did not want to condemn people, but I found myself condemning people, I just found out that Paul in the bible experienced something similar. He said that he found himself doing things he did not want to do. Trust me, I wanted to love everybody {because it is the nature of the new creature to love} but I could not do what I did not understand. When I say love I mean loving with all sincerity. Not some sincerity, all sincerity! I mean wanting the best for someone no matter what the person does. I want to love even when people hate me.
 I wanted to love sincerely. Though I did not retaliate; I did not love, I endured. One day I decided to research on this four letter word. God lead me to his word John16:12. He did not just lead me, He opened my heart to understand. As I read it, I was like “What!?” Love men how Christ loved us? The first question of course is, how did Christ love us? When we didn’t deserve it, when we were out rightly mess, when we hated, persecuted and rejected him, He loved us and gave His life for us. It sounded crazy to me until I was reminded by the spirit that God is love. So if you don’t know love, don’t claim to know God.
After this, I decide to stick to love completely, no matter what! I didn’t sign up for a struggle; I just realised it is now my nature to love and I will stick to it. It is your nature too, that is why you are not comfortable with hate. We shouldn’t bother ourselves with whether people would like us if we act in certain ways, Don’t let your amazing self be downcast due to someone’s attitude towards you. Our only duty should be to keep loving. That’s what makes us supernatural beings. Love is a supernatural ability! Humans can’t love. It’s not their nature! It’s the nature of the born again to love. I remember talking to a friend and I asked, “Hey, do you believe in love?” She said ‘love? Hah, I asked God to kill that part of me a long time ago and woo! He did!’ what!? You asked God? God? That’s not God. God never heard that prayer. He can’t answer what he didn’t hear. The devil was quick to show you the way and give you abundance of hate. The enemy can’t stand love, it paralyses him. God is love and if you have his life in you, you must walk and live in love. So you might ask for a thorough definition of love. This is it, LOVE IS A SUPERNATURAL ABILITY, A MIRACLE OF ITS OWN, A SUPERNATURAL ABILITY THAT INFLUENCES YOUR ENTIRE PERSONALITY IN SUCH AN OVERWHELMING WAT THAT A PERSON DOES NOT FOCUS ON THE WRONGS AND FLAWS OF ANOTHER PERSON, but RATHER HE SEES THE BETTER PERSON IN THAT INDIVIDUAL.


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