...transforming ugly stories into faith-building testimonies
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Tuesday, 7 April 2015

On 14:01 by Eberejustin in , ,    4 comments

Many of us walk this earth clueless of what we really are or why we are even here, nonplussed about the purpose of our very existence. This article is for the children and youth of our nations who are disillusioned with the trappings of religion, turned off by the disappointment of politics and distrustful of the empty promises of science. This is God’s big idea. For years I was also confused and disappointed by the world and all its failing systems until I stumbled upon this great Story. It is an idea that supersedes all ideas ever brought up by mankind, an idea that explains this world in an easily understood, practical, reasonable and earth-friendly manner.
What is this idea? It is the divine comprehension of the colonization of earth by the kingdom of heaven, impacting the earth with God’s loving culture and producing citizens who exhibit the nature, ethics and values of Heaven on Earth. It is not a religious idea but global invasion of love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, patience, justice, and righteousness under the influence of the heavenly governor; The Spirit of God. Here it goes:
It starts with Heaven, the nation created by God. God is Her King and He rules over all His angels in it. Below heaven, there was an empty waste filled with darkness called the Earth. God had a plan. He wanted to expand His awesome Kingdom to other places so first He brought His light to the earth, gave it a form with a view to making it the land for what would be the new colony of Heaven. After this God decided to create a little glimpse of Heaven on Earth, He created a garden. This garden called Eden represented the nation of Heaven in its entirety. God was her King and she basically had Heaven’s constitution of love. In this garden, God put many beautiful plants and animals and then God created man. Man was created in God’s image, a spiritual being in an earthly body in the natural realm called earth. He put them in this awesome home and gave them a simple instruction, “Be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth.”(<BIBLE:Gen 1:28>) the first humans were Adam and Eve. They were free with only one prohibition-“do not eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil” (<BIBLE:Gen 2:16-17). For a while, man and God lived together in harmony, they spoke in the same language- the heavenly language and man did what God commanded him. But Satan, God’s archenemy, a traitor to Heaven, hated God’s plan so he sought to destroy it. Using subtle and wise methods, He got man to disobey God’s only prohibition. See Eden had a moral code which prohibited murder, hate and immorality. Man had lived according to but in ignorance of this moral code. Now after eating the fruit, Adam and Eve got knowledge of the weight of this moral code and it pressed on them causing guilt and shame. The Kingdom of Heaven is too strict to tolerate any mutiny so Adam and Eve had to leave the garden with the evil Satan had given them. God had wanted Adam and Eve to manage the garden and turn more fallow ground into beautiful gardens but now this plan had failed. As Adam and Eve moved on in their new life, evil increased in their descendants while God worked out a plan to regain His earthly kingdom. Then in Genesis 12, God raised up Abraham whose descendants formed God’s new kingdom. Later, God sent His only son to the earth from a virgin’s womb. His son, Jesus, had to sacrifice His life as an offering to reconcile man unto God. By His death and resurrection, He broke the bondage man had to sin. He sowed an ultimate seed for the garden to get started again. This new colony had its rules not on stone tablets but in the hearts of those who believed. So that believers didn’t force themselves to live by God’s moral code but instead did it naturally without forgetting God’s original intent for creating them- “Be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth”. Man can now live here on earth still fulfilling God’s original purpose for man with the gifts and talents God has given him- expanding the Kingdom in the same way a garden grows and bringing more people into the light. Then at the end of this life, he can drop the natural body on earth and return as a spiritual being to God’s Kingdom.
Now after a fixed period of time, those who didn’t join the new colony would be destroyed and God will create a new heaven and a new earth, a more perfect version of Eden inhabited by His people all fulfilling God’s original purpose for them. THIS IS GOD’S BIG IDEA.

If you aren’t already following THE BIG IDEA, you can join easily now. All you have to do is believe in the existence of Christ the messiah and pray this simple prayer;
Lord Jesus, I come before you today. I confess that I am a sinner. All my sins I confess to you. I believe you died on the cross, you were buried and on the third day, You rose again for my justification. Lord Jesus come into my life, be my Lord, and be my personal Savior. I cancel my name from the book of death and write my name in the book of life. Give me the power to sin no more. In Jesus name, Amen


  1. Justin, please edit this html quick. I am in love with the template though.
    #AOC (Arinze Obiezue Chiebuka...I mean)

  2. Justin, please edit this html quick. I am in love with the template though.
    #AOC (Arinze Obiezue Chiebuka...I mean)

  3. I love what you guys are doing here
