...transforming ugly stories into faith-building testimonies
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Wednesday, 6 May 2015

On 07:28 by Eberejustin in ,    No comments

Your character is not your attitude. Your attitude is what you exhibit as a result of the content of your character. Your character is what defines you. It’s what makes you a great person. This reminds me of a particular time in school when I was seen as a villain solely because of the message I preached. I didn’t give in. why should I be worried or depressed because of what people say about me. Your character is seen when times aren’t so pleasant. When people say crap about you, how do you respond? My response is to keep praying for them and declaring the word of God. I stick to the word! Nothing can ever stop me because my character is always solid.

I laugh when people say things like ‘my personality is who I am but my attitude depends on who you are.’ To an ignorant fellow, that might be an amazing quote. But that doesn’t even make sense. If your attitude depends on someone else actions, you have no character! You are a machine! You have a controller. Someone can make you do nasty things just by uttering some words. A great man once said, “I am not moved by what I see, I am not moved by what I feel, I am moved by what I believe!” I agree with him. This is why you should not build your life on mere quotes. Build your life on the word of God. Trust me, nothing else gives you accurate principles for the best life ever.


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